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Improved governance for effective timber monitoring and traceability of Shorea robusta in Nepal

Illegal logging results in serious environmental and social damage, as well as costing governments an estimated $10 billion every year in lost revenues. This was recognised in a G8 Summit in 1998, where measures to tackle illegal logging were discussed and an ‘Action Programme on Forests’ formally adopted.
Subsequently, in April 2002, the European Commission hosted an international workshop to discuss how the EU could contribute to measures to combat illegal logging. At the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), held in Johannesburg in the same year, the European Commission set out a strong commitment to combat illegal logging and the associated trade in illegally- harvested timber. The EU published its first Proposal for a FLEGT Action Plan in May 2003.

Rupantaran Nepal in collaboration with Government of Nepal and support from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is implementing “Improved governance for effective timber monitoring and traceability of Shorea robusta in Nepal” under the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade programme of European Union (EU FLEGT).  This is a two years’ programme in progress since June 2014 focused especially for Nawalparasi and Rupandehi districts.

Series of activities have been conducted focused on Shorea robusta production, development and piloting of its trade.

Multi-Stakeholder Forestry Programme (MSFP)

Rupantaran Nepal was involved in MSFP from March 2013 in the five mid-western districts of Nepal. This programme was implemented with the financial aid of MSFP Services Support Unit (through Embassy of Switzerland in Nepal and remained till July,2016 . The key aimed of the programme was to improve the livelihoods and resilience of poor and excluded people in Nepal. The core programme were implemented in 23 districts of 6 lots. Rupantaran Nepal implemented MSFP programme in 5 districts of Rapti- Rolpa, Dang, Pyuthan, Salyan and Rolpa (lot-V).  The summary of overall achievements in lot-V were; 

  • Installed 881 improved cook stoves  and Bio-gas plant which use less fuel, are efficient in terms of time and labor and undertook perception survey toward improved cook stove
  • Piloted and tested for Payment of Environment Services mechanism in 36 CFUGs of two VDCs and accredited Plan VIVO certification, Supported more than 13,070 poor and vulnerable HHs to improve their livelihoods with preparing Livelihoods Improvement Plan.
  • Facilitated preparation of 51 LAPAs and its implementation support in collaboration with different service providers and project/ programme.  Likewise, 574 Community-based Adaptation Plan prepared, integrated into operational plan and implemented
  • Created Employment opportunity to 2223 personnel (Total 600,210 person days) through 68 Forest-based Enterprise Development and developed market linkages of their product
  • Built capacity of 27239 Forest Managers on GESI, SFM, Governance and Climate Change Adaptation through training, coaching, mentoring and technical backstopping support.
  • Completed  Plantation in 190.6 Hector degraded and open land within CFUGs and LFGs  and conducted  active forest management in 8614hector of CFUGs  

Beside these progress, Rupantaran Nepal has commission various study to document the good practices and learning which includes value chain analysis of selected forest based product, effect of migration in forestry: A case of Rapti, documentation of climate change and mitigation, GESI, enterprises, governance and sustainable forest- achievements, learnings, challenges and way forward.  

Development of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework for Alternative/ Renewable Energy across All Three Tiers of Government for Renewable Energy for Rural Areas Programme

Rupantaran Nepal assigned to develop a monitoring, evaluation and learning framework for alternative/ renewable energy across all three tiers of government in Nepal by GIZ under Renewable Energy for Rural Areas (RERA) programme from January, 2019 to September, 2019. The assignment is for three tiers of government and consultation and discussion were done in Province-1 and Sudur Paschim Province where RERA programme was in operation.

The objective of this assignment was to develop MEL Framework for renewable energy at three tiers in new federal context of Nepal in close cooperation with Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC). More specifically, it focused on the development of MEL framework based on existing data, results, in terms of outputs and outcomes, and analyzed the potentials for attaining the target outcomes and outputs in future.

The RN was accomplished this assignment in four different phase;

Completion of Phase I– Analysis (Report)-Technical Analysis Report: In this phase, RN has conducted an inception meeting with various stakeholders- AEPC, GIZ, Ministry and CSOs, carryout stakeholder analysis, outline of technical analysis and submitted inception report including updated plan, approaches and methods. Likewise, RN carried-out technical analysis review of the existing monitoring, evaluation and learning system, identify gaps, needs and challenges to align with the federal structure and mechanism. The RN also presented and submitted the TAR report and concept note for MEL Framework Development and agreed to develop result framework of three tiers of government prior to MEL Framework.

Completion Report of Phase II – RE Result Framework- RN undertook task analysis of the RE related, regulation, policies, plan, strategies and framework and consolidated into key themes to need to be included in the result framework. Based on this analysis and TAR a result framework of LGs, FG and PGs drafted and undertook consultation with AEPC, GIZ and selected CSOs and LGs of Province-1. The consistency and coherence across LGs, PGs and FG of the framework reviewed and updated. 

Completion of Phase III–Draft MEL Framework: In line with result frame work a MEL matrix has been development and finally prepared a MEL framework across three tiers of government. The all frameworks shared with AEPC and GIZ for inputs and feedback. RN updated the MEL framework in line with suggestion and comments.  In addition RN prepared a MEL framework roll-out plan and agreed to the AEPC and GIZ.

Completion of Phase IV- Consultation and Capacity Building on MEL Framework: In In leadership of the AEPC and management of the GIZ, two events of capacity building were facilitated by RN team in Province-1 and Sudur Paschim Province. These events consider as roll-out of the MEL framework and officials of the LGs, PGs and provision planning commission were attended in the event. Based on this events, the MEL framework were updated and submitted to the AEPC and GIZ for further action and integration

The assignment activities were successfully completed by following the consultative and deliberated process. However, more period of time was taken than expected in the assignment. Additional human resource directly provided to peer review and technical support as needed in the course of the assignment. 

Development of Monitoring, Evaluation and
Learning Framework for Alternative/ Renewable
Energy across All Three Tiers of Government for
Renewable Energy for Rural Areas Programme

Rupantaran Nepal assigned to develop a monitoring, evaluation and learning framework for alternative/
renewable energy across all three tiers of government in Nepal by GIZ under Renewable Energy for Rural
Areas (RERA) programme from January, 2019 to September, 2019. The assignment is for three tiers of
government and consultation and discussion were done in Province-1 and Sudur Paschim Province
where RERA programme was in operation.
The objective of this assignment was to develop MEL Framework for renewable energy at three tiers in
new federal context of Nepal in close cooperation with Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC).
More specifically, it focused on the development of MEL framework based on existing data, results, in
terms of outputs and outcomes, and analyzed the potentials for attaining the target outcomes and outputs
in future.
The RN was accomplished this assignment in four different phase;
Completion of Phase I– Analysis (Report)-Technical Analysis Report: In this phase, RN has conducted
an inception meeting with various stakeholders- AEPC, GIZ, Ministry and CSOs, carryout stakeholder
analysis, outline of technical analysis and submitted inception report including updated plan, approaches
and methods. Likewise, RN carried-out technical analysis review of the existing monitoring, evaluation
and learning system, identify gaps, needs and challenges to align with the federal structure and
mechanism. The RN also presented and submitted the TAR report and concept note for MEL Framework
Development and agreed to develop result framework of three tiers of government prior to MEL
Completion Report of Phase II – RE Result Framework- RN undertook task analysis of the RE related,
regulation, policies, plan, strategies and framework and consolidated into key themes to need to be
included in the result framework. Based on this analysis and TAR a result framework of LGs, FG and PGs
drafted and undertook consultation with AEPC, GIZ and selected CSOs and LGs of Province-1. The
consistency and coherence across LGs, PGs and FG of the framework reviewed and updated.
Completion of Phase III–Draft MEL Framework: In line with result frame work a MEL matrix has been
development and finally prepared a MEL framework across three tiers of government. The all frameworks
shared with AEPC and GIZ for inputs and feedback. RN updated the MEL framework in line with
suggestion and comments. In addition RN prepared a MEL framework roll-out plan and agreed to the
Completion of Phase IV- Consultation and Capacity Building on MEL Framework: In In leadership of
the AEPC and management of the GIZ, two events of capacity building were facilitated by RN team in
Province-1 and Sudur Paschim Province. These events consider as roll-out of the MEL framework and
officials of the LGs, PGs and provision planning commission were attended in the event. Based on this
events, the MEL framework were updated and submitted to the AEPC and GIZ for further action and
The assignment activities were successfully completed by following the consultative and deliberated
process. However, more period of time was taken than expected in the assignment. Additional human
resource directly provided to peer review and technical support as needed in the course of the

Prepare Enhanced Local Adaptation Plans for
Action (LAPA)

Rupantaran Nepal prepared Enhanced Local Adaptation Plans for Action (LAPA) for Adaptation for Smallholder of Hilly Areas (ASHA) programme funded by IFAD and implemented by Ministry of Forest and Environment (MOFE) from August, 2018 to March, 2019. The assignments were located in Rolpa and Rukum (West Rukum and East Rukum) Districts. West Rukum lies in Karnali Province whereas East Rukum and Rolpa lies in Province no. 5 of Nepal,

The main aim of the assignments were to prepare Local Adaptation Plan for Actions (LAPAs) by applying GIS–based sub watershed management approach and the participatory scenario development (PSD) tool in line with National LAPA framework. Specifically

  • To raise awareness of communities and stakeholders on climate change, its impacts and initiations undertaken at local, national and international level.
  • To assess demographic, socio-economic gender relations and trends.
  • To carryout vulnerability and adaptation assessment and prioritize adaptation options in targeted Wards of project districts.
  • To ensure concerns and issues identified by the sub-watershed based planning are addressed during LAPA preparation
  • To document Enhanced LAPAs of targeted Wards ensuring the alignment of LAPA with the NAPA and ASHA’s Enhance LAPA manual
  • To coordinate with stakeholders in an effective and participatory manner especially with the PCU, DPCU and local level concerned line agencies
  • To harness lesson learned and recommend to implement the same types of the assignment for scaling up the enhanced approach in future

The assignment activities were successfully and timely completed. After having inception meeting ASHA- PCU, Rupantaran Nepal oriented to the consultant team proposed in the assignments Then series of sensitization and vulnerability assessment were undertaken (2 days orientation at LGs level, 1/2 day orientation at ward level, 1 day workshop at settlement level and 3 day LAPA formulation workshop) and total 6955 persons were sensitized and attended in these workshops. Through these workshop and discussion 20 enhanced LAPA of the 5 wards of West Rukum, 5 wards of East Rukum and 10 wards of Rolpa were prepared.  The entire LAPA preparation process was guided by the enhanced LAPA manual and National Framework of LAPA.  In the process, comprehensive vulnerability and capacity assessment was done. Finally, all developed LAPAs were endorsed through LG mechanism and submitted ASHA-PCU. Under this assignment, RN prepared inception reports, LAPAs and project completion report including lesson learned and recommendation and financial statement were prepared and submitted.  

Renewable Energy for Rural Areas (RERA)programme in Province Sudur Paschim

Rupantaran Nepal conducted an organizational development and capacity need assessment of key and
primary stakeholders for SNV managed Renewable Energy for Rural Areas (RERA) programme in
Province Sudur Paschim from January, 2019 to February, 2019. The assignment were located in Bajhang
and and Kanchanpur districts of Nepal.

The main objective of the assignment is to assess the Organizational Development (OD) and Capacity
Needs (CN) of key and primary stakeholders for RERA program implementation in Sudur Paschim
Province. Specifically, the assignment includes the following tasks:

  • Defining a systematic approach and methodology to conduct organizational assessments and capacity needs assessments.
  • Carry out organizational development assessment of identified key stakeholders and propose organizational development measures, which are also GESI friendly to improve the key stakeholder’s performance in regards to renewable energy by applying systematic approaches/methodologies,
  • Carry out capacity needs assessment of primary stakeholders and recommend capacity development measures which are also GESI friendly to increase their effectiveness in regards to renewable energy according to a systematic approach

The assignment activities were timely and successfully completed. Rupantaran Nepal undertook field
consultation among key and primary stakeholders identified by RERA in Sudur Paschim Province. The
early outcome of the assessment has shared with the senior officials of the Alternative Energy Promotion
Centre and SNV at Project Implementation Unit, Dhangadi through consultative meeting. RN prepared
draft reports of ODA and CAN based on consultation and were shared to the client. The feedback and
comments received and considered to enrich the report of the assignment. Based on the feed
Rupantaran Nepal has also prepared a consolidated report. Finally, a final report incorporating feedback
from the funding agency was submitted at the end of the project.

Initiative for Climate Change Adaptation (ICCA)

Rupantaran Nepal in consortium with partners International Development Enterprise (Prime) and
Resource Identification and Management Society (RIMS) Nepal has implemented USAID funded five year
project entitled “Initiative for Climate Change Adaptation (ICCA)”. The project utilized experience and
learning from past initiatives of the partners and works with communities to develop interventions that
improve the ability of individuals and groups for adapting to climate change.

Rupantaran led as technical support in capacity building, social inclusion, governance and coordination
for climate change adaptation in forestry sector. The project was implemented in 6 districts Rupandehi,
Kapilvastu, Kaski, Dang, Parbat, Syangja and Rolpa) of Nepal. The overall goal of the project was to
increase resilience of poor and vulnerable communities to adapt to and mitigate the adverse impacts of
climate change in Nepal and the objectives were;

To strengthen institutions and mechanisms to facilitate effective governance for climate change
adaptation, resource mobilization and mainstreaming development planning linking forestry and
agricultural development initiatives
 To enhance communities’ capacities to respond to the adverse impacts of climate change and
harness opportunities
 To diversify and improve livelihood and resilience of poor and vulnerable communities through
sustainable income generation, skills and enterprise development
 To identify and facilitate suitable adaptation interventions, innovations and technologies.

The overall achievements of the ICCA projects:

Established 86 local multi-stakeholder mechanism in 86 local government- VDCs and Municipalities
 86 LAPAs were prepared, implemented and consolidated into 41 LAPAs of 41 local level. Now local
level are considering a basis for annual development planning
 Anukulan reached 122,570 households in the vegetable, essential oil, and with conservation
agriculture for cereal crops increasing annual income by £231/HH (in aggregate £ 28,313,670/year).
 Anukulan scaled the commercial pocket approach (1) extending last mile supply chains thru
developing 182 community business facilitators.
 Anukulan developed 182 Multiple Use Water Systems (MUS) covering about 22,500 people designed
to provide water for domestic and produce use.
 Over 5,000 mothers with at risk children in the first thousand day period received 3 month intensive
training. Intermediate nutrition training to 3,000 and lighter nutrition orientation was provided to
25,015 mothers.
 Installed 6 micro weather station and disseminated weather advisory services as part of early warning
system on agriculture development

Multi Stakeholder Forestry Program-New Initiative

Rupantaran Nepal is carrying out an assignment for building household climate resilience and group governance in Rukum and Salyan districts with the financial assistance of MSFP SSU.

The goal of the projects is to promote household climate resilience and group governance among forest dependent climate vulnerable communities in Rukum and Salyan districts.

Specific objectives

1. Promote core elements of good governance (accountability, transparency, active and inclusive participation and equitable benefit sharing) in LFGs and AFECs/VFCCs with respect to climate planning and implementation of climate adaptation plans

2. Raise awareness and capacity of LFGs and AFECs/VFCCs on climate change and climate change adaptation

3. Improve livelihoods of climate vulnerable households through promotion of Livelihood Improvement Programmes (LIPs)

4. Institute two Climate Smart Model VDCs – where the communities will not only have provision of basic services but also improved understanding of climate change, climate change adaptation and Community Based Adaptation Planning (CBAP) process; access to latest CCA technologies; and access to scientific management of natural resources and improved farming technologies.

Considerable emphasis has been placed on monitoring and reporting as well as knowledge management. In this framework we aim to:

i. Improve visibility of the forestry sector contribution by
1. Tracking progress
2. Correcting processes
3. Demonstrating impacts of community forestry activities

ii. Enhance sector governance and organizational development

iii. Building on existing systems/practices – institutional sustainability

Involvement of women, marginalised and disadvantaged people

Rupantaran Nepal does not only advocate the “PPGESI” but also takes strong leadership role in capacitating staff, partners and communities on pro-poor, gender equality and social inclusion focused activities. Women, poor and climate vulnerable people/groups are given special priority in each capacity development activities. Rupantaran Nepal is also pro-actively promoting more than 60% participation of poor, women and dalits.

District level Training on Climate Change and Community Based Adaption Planning – Phase II

Rupantaran Nepal has been conducting district level training on Climate Change and Community Based Adaption Planning – Phase II [Led by RN in consortium with Samuhik Abhiyan, National Association of Village Development Committees in Nepal (NAVIN) and Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists (NEFEJ)]

The project duration is 18 months (July 2015 – January 2015) and it includes 30 districts of Western, Mid-Western and Far-Western Nepal.

Training of Trainer on Climate Change Adaptation

Rupantaran Nepal facilitated Training of Trainer on Climate Change Adaptation and LAPA implementation to the District Energy, Environment and Climate Change Coordination Committee (DEECCCC) members  of 14 Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP) districts of Far-western Region (Achham, Bajura and Kailali) and Mid-western Region (Dailekh, Jajarkot, Kalikot, Dolpa, Jumla, Humla, Mugu, Bardiya, Dang, Rolpa and Rukum). This assignment was undertaken in July and December, 2015.  Total 56 participants were trained on the training techniques and climate change adaptation.

The aims of the assignment is to develop trainers who can deliver the training activities more systematically and effectively so that trainings could be rolled out to different levels using a cascade approach. More specifically

  • To facilitate two of Training of Trainers on Climate Change  Adaptation and LAPA implementation
  • To prepare a trainers guide to facilitate climate change adaptation and LAPA implementation training on the experiences of these event’s experiences.   

The assignment activities were timely and effectively completed. In this assignment, Rupantaran Nepal undertook consultation with NCCSP officials to unpack the expectation of the assignment. Likewise a curriculum was designed and agreed with NCCSP Central Team and Ministry of Population and Environment senior officials. The assignment delivered in two events at Dang on July, 2015 and Nepalgunj on December, 2015. For this training, RN prepared PowerPoint presentation, photo documentation report and training event report.  On the experiences and learning the training a trainer’s guide was prepared and submitted to NCCSP.