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Renewable Energy for Rural Areas (RERA)programme in Province Sudur Paschim

Rupantaran Nepal conducted an organizational development and capacity need assessment of key and
primary stakeholders for SNV managed Renewable Energy for Rural Areas (RERA) programme in
Province Sudur Paschim from January, 2019 to February, 2019. The assignment were located in Bajhang
and and Kanchanpur districts of Nepal.

The main objective of the assignment is to assess the Organizational Development (OD) and Capacity
Needs (CN) of key and primary stakeholders for RERA program implementation in Sudur Paschim
Province. Specifically, the assignment includes the following tasks:

  • Defining a systematic approach and methodology to conduct organizational assessments and capacity needs assessments.
  • Carry out organizational development assessment of identified key stakeholders and propose organizational development measures, which are also GESI friendly to improve the key stakeholder’s performance in regards to renewable energy by applying systematic approaches/methodologies,
  • Carry out capacity needs assessment of primary stakeholders and recommend capacity development measures which are also GESI friendly to increase their effectiveness in regards to renewable energy according to a systematic approach

The assignment activities were timely and successfully completed. Rupantaran Nepal undertook field
consultation among key and primary stakeholders identified by RERA in Sudur Paschim Province. The
early outcome of the assessment has shared with the senior officials of the Alternative Energy Promotion
Centre and SNV at Project Implementation Unit, Dhangadi through consultative meeting. RN prepared
draft reports of ODA and CAN based on consultation and were shared to the client. The feedback and
comments received and considered to enrich the report of the assignment. Based on the feed
Rupantaran Nepal has also prepared a consolidated report. Finally, a final report incorporating feedback
from the funding agency was submitted at the end of the project.

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