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Improved governance for effective timber monitoring and traceability of Shorea robusta in Nepal

Illegal logging results in serious environmental and social damage, as well as costing governments an estimated $10 billion every year in lost revenues. This was recognised in a G8 Summit in 1998, where measures to tackle illegal logging were discussed and an ‘Action Programme on Forests’ formally adopted.
Subsequently, in April 2002, the European Commission hosted an international workshop to discuss how the EU could contribute to measures to combat illegal logging. At the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), held in Johannesburg in the same year, the European Commission set out a strong commitment to combat illegal logging and the associated trade in illegally- harvested timber. The EU published its first Proposal for a FLEGT Action Plan in May 2003.

Rupantaran Nepal in collaboration with Government of Nepal and support from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is implementing “Improved governance for effective timber monitoring and traceability of Shorea robusta in Nepal” under the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade programme of European Union (EU FLEGT).  This is a two years’ programme in progress since June 2014 focused especially for Nawalparasi and Rupandehi districts.

Series of activities have been conducted focused on Shorea robusta production, development and piloting of its trade.

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