FLEGT – Formulation of Technical Working Group (TWG) and regular meetings

2nd March 2015 – Project Advisory Committee meeting was held to establish Technical Working Group to support the implementation of various actions. A 14 membered group coordinated by Deputy Director General of National Forest Division, DoF was formulated. The TWG is composed of representatives from the MoFSC (Planning and Monitoring) and other relevant Government institutions (DoF), Private Sector (Timber Entrepreneurs Association), Civil Society and CF Federations (FECOFUN and ACOFUN), Independent Experts and Rupantaran Nepal.

Specific tasks of TWG includes participation and contribution to review the existing legal and regulatory framework and identification of existing elements and gaps, participate and contribute to field review visit and support and contribute overall achievement of the project objectives. Besides its regular meeting, TWG also conducts meetings based on requirements.

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