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Improved governance for effective timber monitoring and traceability of Shorea robusta in Nepal

Illegal logging results in serious environmental and social damage, as well as costing governments an estimated $10 billion every year in lost revenues. This was recognised in a G8 Summit in 1998, where measures to tackle illegal logging were discussed and an ‘Action Programme on Forests’ formally adopted.
Subsequently, in April 2002, the European Commission hosted an international workshop to discuss how the EU could contribute to measures to combat illegal logging. At the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), held in Johannesburg in the same year, the European Commission set out a strong commitment to combat illegal logging and the associated trade in illegally- harvested timber. The EU published its first Proposal for a FLEGT Action Plan in May 2003.

Rupantaran Nepal in collaboration with Government of Nepal and support from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is implementing “Improved governance for effective timber monitoring and traceability of Shorea robusta in Nepal” under the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade programme of European Union (EU FLEGT).  This is a two years’ programme in progress since June 2014 focused especially for Nawalparasi and Rupandehi districts.

Series of activities have been conducted focused on Shorea robusta production, development and piloting of its trade.

Multi-Stakeholder Forestry Programme (MSFP)

Rupantaran Nepal was involved in MSFP from March 2013 in the five mid-western districts of Nepal. This programme was implemented with the financial aid of MSFP Services Support Unit (through Embassy of Switzerland in Nepal and remained till July,2016 . The key aimed of the programme was to improve the livelihoods and resilience of poor and excluded people in Nepal. The core programme were implemented in 23 districts of 6 lots. Rupantaran Nepal implemented MSFP programme in 5 districts of Rapti- Rolpa, Dang, Pyuthan, Salyan and Rolpa (lot-V).  The summary of overall achievements in lot-V were; 

  • Installed 881 improved cook stoves  and Bio-gas plant which use less fuel, are efficient in terms of time and labor and undertook perception survey toward improved cook stove
  • Piloted and tested for Payment of Environment Services mechanism in 36 CFUGs of two VDCs and accredited Plan VIVO certification, Supported more than 13,070 poor and vulnerable HHs to improve their livelihoods with preparing Livelihoods Improvement Plan.
  • Facilitated preparation of 51 LAPAs and its implementation support in collaboration with different service providers and project/ programme.  Likewise, 574 Community-based Adaptation Plan prepared, integrated into operational plan and implemented
  • Created Employment opportunity to 2223 personnel (Total 600,210 person days) through 68 Forest-based Enterprise Development and developed market linkages of their product
  • Built capacity of 27239 Forest Managers on GESI, SFM, Governance and Climate Change Adaptation through training, coaching, mentoring and technical backstopping support.
  • Completed  Plantation in 190.6 Hector degraded and open land within CFUGs and LFGs  and conducted  active forest management in 8614hector of CFUGs  

Beside these progress, Rupantaran Nepal has commission various study to document the good practices and learning which includes value chain analysis of selected forest based product, effect of migration in forestry: A case of Rapti, documentation of climate change and mitigation, GESI, enterprises, governance and sustainable forest- achievements, learnings, challenges and way forward.  

Initiative for Climate Change Adaptation (ICCA)

Rupantaran Nepal in consortium with partners International Development Enterprise (Prime) and Resource Identification and Management Society (RIMS) Nepal is implementing USAID funded five year project entitled “Initiative for Climate Change Adaptation (ICCA)”. The project utilizes experience and learning from past initiatives of the partners and works with communities to develop interventions that improve the ability of individuals and groups for adapting to climate change.

Rupantaran is responsible for technical support in capacity building, social inclusion, governance and coordination for climate change adaptation in forestry sector. In addition, it is implementing the ICCA in 6 districts (Rupandehi, Kapilvastu, Kaski, Dang, Parbat and Nawalparasi districts) out of 8 districts (including Syangja and Rolpa) in western and mid-west development region of Nepal.

The overall goal of the project is to increase resilience of poor and vulnerable communities to adapt to and mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change in Nepal.


  • To strengthen institutions and mechanisms to facilitate effective governance for climate change adaptation, resource mobilization and mainstreaming development planning linking forestry and agricultural development initiatives
  • To enhance communities’ capacities to respond to the adverse impacts of climate change and harness opportunities
  • To diversify and improve livelihood and resilience of poor and vulnerable communities through sustainable income generation, skills and enterprise development
  • To identify and facilitate suitable adaptation interventions, innovations and technologies.

Project outputs

  • Climate change adaptation mainstreamed into existing institutions with functional institutional mechanism and good governance on climate change
  • Communities’ knowledge and capacities enhanced with minimum climate change impacts on their livelihoods.
  • Sustainable income generation and enterprise options increased thereby improving the livelihoodof poor and vulnerable communities
  • Adaptation practices/innovations/technologies promoted and adopted initially in project model pockets and then extended GON and other climate adaptation programs.

The target population of the project includes smallholders, poor and vulnerable households and communities that include women, children, and ethnic groups living in fragile and vulnerable areas of Nepal suffering from climate change impacts, acute food shortage and poverty.  The project will directly benefit 20,000 HHs (over 100,000 individuals), of which 10,000 HHs will be involved in smallholder enterprises generating an average incremental income of US $100 per annum.  It is expected to involve 50% women and 50% disadvantaged castes/ethnic groups among the beneficiaries.

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