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Prepare Enhanced Local Adaptation Plans for
Action (LAPA)

Rupantaran Nepal prepared Enhanced Local Adaptation Plans for Action (LAPA) for Adaptation for
Smallholder of Hilly Areas (ASHA) programme funded by IFAD and implemented by Ministry of Forest
and Environment (MOFE) from January, 2016 to July, 2018. The assignment was located in Salyan
District of Karnali Province of Nepal.

The main aim of this assignment was to prepare Local Adaptation Plan for Actions (LAPAs) by applying
GIS–based sub watershed management approach and the participatory scenario development (PSD) tool
in line with National LAPA framework. Specifically

 To raise awareness of communities and stakeholders on climate change, its impacts and initiations
undertaken at local, national and international level.
 To assess demographic, socio-economic gender relations and trends.
 To carryout vulnerability and adaptation assessment and prioritize adaptation options in targeted
Wards of project districts.
 To ensure concerns and issues identified by the sub-watershed based planning are addressed during
LAPA preparation
 To document Enhanced LAPAs of targeted Wards ensuring the alignment of LAPA with the NAPA
and ASHA’s Enhance LAPA manual
 To coordinate with stakeholders in an effective and participatory manner especially with the PCU,
DPCU and local level concerned line agencies
 To harness lesson learned and recommend to implement the same types of the assignment for
scaling up the enhanced approach in future

The assignment activities were successfully completed with extension of the 6 months. It is due to
restructure of the state and the local elections which hinder the smooth work in the field. Primarily,
Rupantaran Nepal has oriented to the consultant team proposed in this assignment and followed by the
district inception meeting with SHs at Centre and workshop in Salyan. After district level inception, a
series of sensitization and vulnerability assessments were undertaken (1/2 day orientation at ward level, 2
days workshops at settlement level and 3 days LAPA formulation workshop at ward level) and total 8466
persons were sensitized and attended in these workshop. Through these workshop and discussion 27
enhanced LAPAs of the 27 wards were prepared and these LAPAs were consolidated in the 3 LGs level
LAPA. The entire LAPA preparation process was guided by the enhanced LAPA manual and National
Framework of LAPA. In the process, comprehensive vulnerability and capacity assessment was done.
Finally, all developed LAPAs were endorsed through LG mechanism and submitted to ASHA-PCU. Under
this assignment, RN prepared inception reports, LAPAs and project completion report including lesson
learned and recommendation and financial statement were prepared and submitted.

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