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Integrated Fish Farming for Marginalized Communities  

Rupantaran Nepal has been implementing the project “Integrated Fish Farming for Marginalized Communities” since April 2024 in three sites: Godavari Municipality and Lamkichuha Municipality in Kailali District, and Rajapur Municipality in Bardiya District. This initiative is funded by USAID TAYAR Nepal with the aim of enhancing the economic resilience of the most marginalized communities through Integrated Fish Farming (IFF).

As of now, Rupantaran Nepal has completed pond repair and maintenance in Lamkichuha Municipality and Rajapur Municipality, and has successfully stocked fish in both sites. Additionally:

  • An inception meeting was conducted with local government and stakeholders across the three municipalities, attended by a total of 90 participants, including elected representatives and officials, to disseminate information about the IFF Project.
  • Beneficiary selection guideline was prepared, resulting in the selection of 157 poor and marginalized farmers across three IFF groups, predominantly from Dalit, Sohana, and Tharu communities.
  • Three field-level training events on Integrated Fish Farming were conducted in Lamkichuha and Rajapur Municipalities, benefiting 87 poor and marginalized farmers, including 69% females.
  • Integration of fish farming with grass, banana, duck and pig farming, and vegetable cultivation has been implemented.
  • An Integrated Fish Farming Technical Handbook has been prepared and distributed to farmers.
  • Regular monitoring and follow-up support is going in all three sites.
Ward chair of Rajapur -08 stocking fingerlings in IFF pond of Rajapur -08, Saduwa
Inception meeting at Lamkichuha Municipality of Kailali District

USAID Biodiversity (Jal Jangal)

Rupantaran Nepal has partnered with DAI Global Ltd. to implement the USAID Biodiversity (Jal Jangal) project, which aims to mitigate multiple threats to ecosystems and wildlife species in order to conserve nature, enhance human well-being, and safeguard the future. This five-year project, initiated in November 2022, operates within four conservation landscapes of Nepal: Chitwan Annapurna Conservation Landscape, Terai Arc Landscape, Proposed Karnali Conservation Landscape, and Kailash Secrete Conservation Landscape. Aligned with three mutually reinforcing objectives, the USAID Biodiversity (Jal Jangal) project implements programs to:

  1. Improve the health of ecosystems (Objective 1)
  2. Strengthen environmental crime control and natural resource safeguards (Objective 2)
  3. Enhance the climate resilience of natural and human ecosystems (Objective 3)

Rupantaran Nepal’s role primarily focuses on providing technical assistance to deliver planned activities under Objective 3 while also supporting the achievement of expected results and targets for Objectives 1 and 2. Key responsibilities of Rupantaran Nepal include:

  • Supporting national-level climate change planning and implementation.
  • Developing workshop content on national climate change adaptation priorities and facilitating municipal roll-out.
  • Assisting local governments in reviewing or conducting climate vulnerability and risk assessments (VRAs).
  • Integrating climate change considerations into plans, budgets, and activities at the community, municipal, and provincial levels.
  • Facilitating municipal and provincial earmarking/commitment of funds for climate change adaptation.
  • Supporting the implementation of community-led climate adaptation/resilience initiatives, such as climate-smart villages and climate field schools.
  • Providing guidance on engaging the private sector to increase finance for adaptation, including the development of a Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Action Plan.
  • Convening Climate Resilient Business Roundtables and facilitating Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).
  • Advising grantees and subcontractors implementing climate resilience activities through the USAID Biodiversity Action Fund.
A view of Panchase Landscape
A Group Photo- Climate Change Adaptation and Biodiversity Conservation at Surkhet

Development of Integrated Watershed Management Plan in Four Watersheds of USAID Karnali Water Activity

Rupantaran Nepal has been involved in the assignment titled “Development of Integrated Watershed Management Plan in Four Watersheds (Lower Karnali, Middle Karnali, Tila, and Rara Khatyad) of USAID Karnali Water Activity” since October 2023. The organization has adopted participatory, consultative, and deliberative approaches to actively engage multiple stakeholders, including local and provincial government entities, the private sector, NGOs/CBOs, sectoral government offices, and networks and federations.

To date, Rupantaran Nepal has achieved several deliverables for the assignment. This includes conducting 29 municipal-level and 7 ward-level consultations, as well as 47 key informant interviews involving 55 individuals. Additionally, the organization has facilitated 53 focused group discussions engaging over 400 local communities and stakeholders. These consultations aimed to understand various aspects such as resource availability, distribution and management, issues, threats, and opportunities related to watershed management. Furthermore, discussions have encompassed topics such as Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GDESI) in watershed management, disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change, watershed institutions, and key priorities for inclusion in the Integrated Watershed Management Plans (IWMPs).

Based on these consultations and a thorough literature review of the four watersheds, Rupantaran Nepal has drafted the Integrated Watershed Management Plan. Subsequently, the organization conducted four validation workshops with the One Water Steering Committee within the watersheds and other stakeholders. This workshop served to enrich and refine the IWMPs, while also gathering feedback from stakeholders.

Participants of focus group discussion carried out in Khadachakra Municipality.
Irrigation Canal (Budi Kulo) at Rajapur Municipality.

Development and Promotion of Area-based Agroforestry Models in Godawari and Lamkichuha municipalities

Rupantaran Nepal has been actively implementing an assignment titled “Development and Promotion of Area-based Agroforestry Models in Godawari and Lamkichuha municipalities” since April 2023. This project aims to enhance and restore land productivity while contributing to the economic well-being of marginalized users within the Community Forestry User Groups (CFUGs).

The initiative has already achieved several key milestones. Two agroforestry groups have been formed as sub-groups within the CFUGs, and feasibility studies and designs for the agroforestry model have been completed. Multiple crops, such as Moringa, Lemon, and fodder trees, have been planted at each site. Beneficiaries have received training on the benefits of agroforestry practices, and irrigation systems have been installed to support the growth of these crops. Additionally, information and communication materials aimed at raising public awareness among stakeholders and beneficiaries have been developed.

Currently, the agroforestry initiative is benefiting a total of 91 marginalized individuals. This group includes 22 Dalits, 43 Indigenous Tharu, 3 Sonaha, and 6 single women. These individuals are effectively managing 8.3 hectares of marginalized land within two CFUGs: Muktakamaiya CFUG in Lamkichuha and Ratapani CFUG in Godavari.

The assignment is funded by the USAID TAYAR Nepal – Improved Disaster Risk Management Project, which underscores its commitment to improving the resilience and economic stability of marginalized communities through sustainable agroforestry practices. This funding has been crucial in supporting the various activities and milestones achieved to date, ensuring that the initiative can continue to thrive and expand its positive impact on the community.

The project not only aims to improve land productivity but also focuses on enhancing the overall socio-economic conditions of the marginalized groups involved. The introduction of diverse crop plantations and training sessions helps in promoting sustainable agricultural practices, which can lead to long-term benefits for both the environment and the local economy. The installation of irrigation systems is a significant step towards ensuring that these crops receive adequate water, which is essential for their growth and productivity.

Furthermore, the development of information and communication materials plays a vital role in educating and engaging the local community. By raising awareness about the benefits of agroforestry, the project seeks to encourage more individuals to adopt these practices, thereby fostering a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

In summary, the “Development and Promotion of Area-based Agroforestry Models in Godawari and Lamkichuha municipalities” project by Rupantaran Nepal represents a comprehensive approach to enhancing land productivity and improving the livelihoods of marginalized communities. Through targeted interventions, capacity building, and community engagement, the project is making significant strides towards achieving its objectives and setting a foundation for sustainable development in the region.

Selected agroforestry site in Mukta Kamaiya CFUG, Lamkichuwa Municipality, Kailali