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Nepal Climate Change Support Programme-Start-up Phase

Rupantaran Nepal is working in partnership with  HTSPE/ NCCSP (Nepal Climate Change Support Programme-Startup-Phase) for the implementation of the Local Adaptation Plan for Action (LAPA) project in 30 Village Development Committees (VDCs) of Jajarkot, Rukum, Dailekh, Rolpa, Dang and Bardiya districts.

The project started from April to August 2012 to enhance the adaptive capacity of poor and climate vulnerable people and communities by supporting their urgent and immediate climate change adaptation needs.

Rupantaran Nepal follows the Government of Nepal (GoN)/ Ministry of Environment (MoE) approved LAPA framework, as a guided document while developing LAPA.

To raise awareness of the district level stakeholders [local bodies, line agencies, civil society, and private sector] on climate change and climate change adaptation planning

  • To facilitate the  local adaptation plan preparation process following LAPA framework
  • To develop baseline of current climate vulnerability for monitoring and evaluation purpose
  • To develop district capacity development plan related to climate change adaptation of the hub districts

Project outputs:

  • Enhanced knowledge and raised awareness on the climate change adaptation among district level stakeholders
  • Developed local adaptation plan that is owned by local bodies
  • Developed district capacity development plan related to climate change adaptation
  • Developed baseline of current climate vulnerability for Monitoring and Evaluation

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