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Development of Training Manual on Climate
Change and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Rupantaran Nepal was awarded a service contract by World Health Organization for Development of Training Manual on Climate Change and Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) under the project “Building adaptation to Climate Change in health in least developed countries through resilient water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in Nepal”. The awarded service contract was commenced on 15 June, 2017 and completed by 16 October, 2017.

The objective of this assignment was to develop standard training manuals on Climate Change and WASH. Specifically following three manuals were to be developed according to the specific target audiences

  • Training manual for district engineers (for about 2 days)
  • Training manual for Water and Sanitation Users Committees (WSUC) for about 2 days
  • Materials for Orientation Programme on Climate Change and WASH (1/2 day) for mass awareness and sensitization

The assignment activities were timely and successfully completed. Under this service, Rupantaran Nepal undertook inception meeting with WHO, Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS), National Water Supply and Sanitation Training Center (NWSSTC) and other related stakeholders such as RWSSFDB, FEDWASUN and other NGOs. Likewise a desk review of Government acts, regulations, plans, policies, strategies and operational procedures was done. Based on the review and consultation, an inception report was produced, submitted and approved from WHO. Aligning with the inception report, RN undertook a training and capacity need assessment among the DWSS and NWSSTC staffs, analyzed and identified capacity and focused on the climate change and WASH.  Further desk review of the climate change and WASH documents were done and synthesized into an annotated outline of curriculum module. The curriculum of the modules were shared with WHO, DWSS and NTWSSTC officials and further refinement of the curriculum matrix has been done. Based on the matrix, RN prepared three different training modules for 1. District Engineer 2. Water and Sanitation Users Committee 3. Water and Sanitation Users groups. In each module, RN included facilitator’s guide for facilitators, participant’s guide for Participants and reference guide for both facilitators and participants. These documents were shared with WHO, NWSSTC and DWSS officials for their review, feedback and comments. RN enriched the documents addressing the comments and suggestions. Then the documents were undertaken for peer review from the NWSSTC officials for finalizing the documents and quality assurance. Finally, RN prepared various presentation materials – PowerPoint presentation, poster and case study as demanded by the modules. At the end, RN submitted project completion report and hard as well as soft copies of the modules and its other learning as well as reading materials.

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