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About Us

Rupantaran Nepal is a not for profit organization dedicated to transform people’s lives and living by mobilising and managing resources, promoting social justice and nurturing collaboration. It envisions a transformation in natural resources, resource users and resource institutions through knowledge, actions and relationships. Rupantaran Nepal is registered to Government of Nepal under the Company Act 2063, which has made a provision of registering and functioning of philanthropic organization as a non-profit organization, to be registered at Company Registrar Office.It follows the Social Welfare Council (SWC) Guidelines for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).The organization is established by a group of Nepalese development professionals and social activists having diverse experience in Forestry Sector, Social Development, Livelihoods, Climate Change and Community Development. Initially, the founding members were the professionals who had long experiences of working in Livelihoods Forestry Programme (LFP) and Nepal Swiss Community Forestry Project (NSCFP). The aim was to bring together and institutionalize the vast and diverse knowledge and experiences of these professionals gained through more than 20 years community based forest management and sustainable livelihoods. The membership is later widened to wide ranges of Nepalese professionals having diverse knowledge and experiences. Presently, there are 75 members. The Annual General Assembly governs the organization through a democratic process and it selects the Board of Directors.Rupantaran Nepal is dedicated to be an independent and neutral social enterprise, to bring out the best of an NGO and a corporate organization. Article of Association of Rupantaran Nepal emphasizes mobilizing its internal resources into projects that benefit the poor and excluded localized priorities. Rupantaran Nepal since its establishment has been able to demonstrate its professional capacity to deliver services in: project management and implementation; capacity building and institutional development; applied research and project design and monitoring evaluation in the area of climate change, livelihoods and economic development, forest management services and gender and social inclusion. This has been achieved through partnerships with various organizations at the local, national and international level. In doing so, Rupantaran values its partnership approach, transparency and accountabilityduring its involvement at all levels. It has partnered with a large number of National and International organizations. Nationally it has worked and partnered with Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Local Development, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation and more than 60 NGO’s and academic institutions at central and district level. Similarly, Rupantaran Nepal is also providing services related to forestry and livelihoods to India and many other partnerships are in pipeline.

Thus, it builds on experiences, expertise, and systems of more than two decades, coupled with modern innovativeness and diversity to become a competent, professional, and value-based institution that can contribute to improve the livelihoods of poor and excluded communities.


  • What we do, we do well to provide outstanding services and achieve excellent results.

Our decisions and behavior are guided by the following values:

Team Work:
Socially & environment friendly:

What we do, we do well to provide outstanding services and achieve excellent results.

We recognise the differences among our colleagues and clients, and respect their voice and opinions.
Team Work:

We are one team out of diversity. We strive to unleash our teams’ potential to achieve our common goals.


We do what we say. We demonstrate the highest honesty and fairness in implementing our commitments, plans and programmes.


We believe good governance to be a fundamental framework for effective development. We adhere to the highest ethical standards for transparency and governance.

Socially & environment friendly:

We are confident that our working practices and the assignments we undertake are as socially responsible and as environmentally sound as possible.


Equity: We create equal development opportunities for all members of our diverse community giving special attention to poor, women and excluded people.

Inclusive: We recognise and respect diversity among our own and our clients organisations and we make ourselves inclusive.

Sustainability: We explore ways to mobilise local resources whereby development interventions can be sustained.

Environment friendly: We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and mitigating unavoidable emissions.

Partnership: We work in genuine partnership with different institutions at all levels in order to achieve the greatest impact.

Neutrality and Impartiality: We remain neutral and impartial in all our relationships and programme interventions

Strategic Aims

Environment and Climate Change
To increase the adaptive capacity of vulnerable communities to climate change through coordinated efforts of communities, stakeholders and service providers as well as to increase and maintain ecosystem productivity.
Livelihoods and Economic Development
To enhance livelihoods opportunities for poor people through building their capacity to manage their resources.
Forest Management Services
To increase the productivity of forests and land resources and optimize the benefits for communities.
Policy Engagement and Reform

To engage in effective policy development and revision processes and promote target beneficiaries’ participation and benefit.

Gender and Social Inclusion

To address gender equality, good governance and social inclusion issues and needs in the forestry and climate change sector.
To promote equitable access of women, the poor and socially excluded to forest resources and benefits.


To address good governance  issues and needs in the forestry and climate change sector.